
Available in VHS or DVD formats.
All color film footage
with narration and music, including modern nostalgia live action video.
The greatest nostalgia tape on Willys, Anglias and Austins ever made.
How about the Stone, Woods & Cook vs. Big John Mazmania rivalry
of 1965? You'll see many other famous gasser teams, too: Jack "The
Bear" Coonrod, K.S. Pittman, Jr. Thompson, The Kohler Brothers,
Ariso Brothers, Hill Brothers, Mallicoat Brothers, Brasher & Cummings,
Fred Texiera, Shores & Hess, Mike "The Hippie" Mitchell,
Panella Trucking, Souza Brothers, Balough-Dubach & Pisano, The
Del Rio Bros., Ron Nunes, and more ! Willys fans will freak out over
the vast numbers of '33 and '41 Willys shown. Numerous blown, injected,
wheelstanding '49-'51 Anglias and Prefects will thrill even the most
discerning English Ford fans, and many of our wildest '48-'51 Austin
shots are included. There are other popular makes ranging from '37
Chevy coups, Henry Js, and "shoebox" Chevys. Are there "Wild
Shots" on this tape? Of coarse! A few scary wipe-outs are shown,
but no serious injuries were incurred.
(120 Minutes)
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