
Available in VHS or DVD formats.
Those Awful-Awful Altereds
are back! Many of the 60's Altereds have been restored to life and
they're still wild as ever. Featured cars include The Rat Trap and
The Marcellus & Borsch restored AA/FAs. Other cars include, Pure
Hell, Pure Heaven, Nanook, Toco-Harper-Garten, The Mob, Burkholder
Bros, Randy Bradford, Woody "Pops" Duke, Panic, J&S
Speed Shop, Blairs, and many more Bad Boy Altereds of the 2000's.
This time, you get to see them and hear them on DVD as well as VHS.
The color and audio is outstanding as the Jackson Bros are now using
industrial digital video cameras to capture the excitement of Nostalgia
Drag Racing. Tracks include Bakersfield, Sears Point, and Las Vegas.
(84 Minutes)
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